Starting Point
Crank Cycling Joint
Route Map:
This is an AIR approved Brevets de Randonneurs Mondiaux (BRM) sanctioned by ACP.
ACP rules for BRMs Worldwide are to be followed strictly.
Please ensure that you have read and understood the rules
ACP Rules
Additional Rules are applicable in India - Please ensure that you have read and understood them
# | Subscriber Name | Rider Number | Fee | Medal | Result | Club | Seq No |
1 | Ajith S | 2755 | Yes | Yes |
25h 53m
Trivandrum Bikers Club | 1 |
2 | Jacob Swaroop Anand | 3580 | Yes | No |
Nellai Randonneurs | 2 |
3 | Jai mon Korah | 0470 | Yes | No |
26h 20m
Cochin Bikers Club | 4 |
4 | Galin Abraham | 2934 | Yes | No |
21h 17m
Bangalore Randonneurs | 6 |
5 | Ullas Mu | 2947 | Yes | No |
26h 56m
Independent India | 7 |
6 | Faizal M S | 4048 | Yes | No |
Trivandrum Bikers Club | 8 |
7 | Saji Ramachandran | 3848 | Yes | No |
Independent India | 9 |
8 | Nine Kollara | 4070 | Yes | Yes |
25h 52m
Trivandrum Bikers Club | 10 |
9 | JITHIN JOSE | 5487 | Yes | Yes |
25h 54m
Independent India | 12 |
10 | Krishnakumar CV | 1147 | Yes | No |
26h 33m
Independent India | 13 |
YTC=Yet to Confirm, DNS=Did Not Start, DNF=Did Not Finish, LF=Late Finish
Event Fee: ₹1000
Please Note** STRICTLY NO CASH DEPOSIT - Must be Cheque / Online NEFT* . The spot registration fee will be Rs.1200. So please endeavour to register and pay before the cutoff time. Please Note: Please click the below link to access the forms.
Bank details for transfer:
SAVINGS Account#: 049601000024446
Branch: Kuravankonam, Thiruvananthapuram
MICR CODE: 695020004
Registration closed on: 16-Feb-2017 at 23:00 hours